
I believe the greatest communities form through shared joy, history, and creativity. By unveiling what we have in common, trusting our vulnerabilities, and reveling in our connectedness, I wish to build a space where we may all better experience the wonder and enchantment of our extraordinary human condition. And so, I am making the The Wonderland Historical Society.

Through historic house tours, inspiring conversations, collaborative residencies for makers, whimsical children’s programming, and thrilling showcases of artistic expression, The Wonderland Historical Society will be a living tribute to the Bywater’s past while making space for artistic exploration into its future.

If you are interested in helping me build this dream, please take a look at our business plan overview below.
Let’s make some magic together!

Love, Stacy

To check out some of the amazing collaborations that have taken place in Wonderland over the years, head on over to the ART page! This is just the beginning!